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EAB Market Insights Research Request Form

Request a Market Insights Report

1. Where is the institution located? *This question is required.
Welcome to EAB's Market Insights Research Request Form.

Our team offers six primary types of reports:
  1. Market Opportunity Scan - Rank potential new growth opportunities based on employer demand and competitive activity in the selected region.
  2. Program Feasibility Study - Assess the market viability of a single potential new program opportunity.
  3. Portfolio Health Check - Assess how a discrete academic portfolio aligns to market conditions in your selected region.
  4. 360 Program Assessment - Evaluate a single existing program based on market conditions, competitive field, and prospective student experience. This report includes workforce intelligence, a regional competitive profile, a prospective student inquiry audit, and a web and mobile presence audit. The prospective student inquiry audit and web and mobile presence audit can also be requested separately:
    • Web Presence Audit: Offered for programs aimed at adult learners. Evaluate the navigability of our web  presence to enhance the prospective student experience
    • Inquiry Audit: Offered for programs aimed at adult learners. Assess our inquiry process and lead management for a specific program to gauge timeliness and value of interactions
  5. High-Interest Program Analysis – Appraise the expansion or launch of a program in a high-interest field. This report combines customized analysis of your regional and local markets with large-scale research. Choose one of the following fields:
    • MBA
    • M.S. in Data Analytics
    • M.S. in Cybersecurity
  6. Employer Needs Assessment – Assess online job postings from a chosen employer to inform employer partnerships. 
This survey will guide you through questions about your institution's specific needs. Based on your answers, we will recommend the best report type for you. 

Please ensure to click "submit" on the final page of the survey to ensure your request makes it to the Market Insights team.

If at any time you have questions, please contact your EAB Strategic Leader. Your Strategic Leader can help with your request or connect you to a Market Insights expert. You can find your Strategic Leader listed on your EAB Dashboard as part of your EAB team.
2. Who is the primary contact for this research request? *This question is required.EAB will contact this individual for all questions, updates, and results related to this research request. The main point of contact at your institution for your EAB partnership will automatically be copied on all email communication related to this research.
3. You can designate up to three additional contacts for this research. EAB will also include these individuals on all questions, updates, and results from this research request. 

If you do not wish to list additional contacts, please leave fields blank.
What are you looking to get out of your Market Insights report? Please make one selection. *This question is required.
High-Interest Program Analysis: Which program topic do you want to research?  *This question is required.